I've made the 7 quests and i didn't get the 32k maple points. anyone knows why?
hi, im glad you do!hello! i love this guide but i just wanted to suggest mentioning the circle of ancient power (milestone ring) as an easy way to eventually get more of your secondary stat, as it could save people the struggle of having to add more base into (secondary stat). as it doesn't blow up, it's definitely a lifesaver for any class!
tyty, i will update this tonight to reflect the new migration from Discord to Guilded and some revampingGood info as always, Berb <3
You don't need to make a bishop or any mage as a first character. I as well as many other people didn't even touch that route. Making a bishop and farming mesos to fund your main is a boring way to play.sigh, so another Bishopstory server, so disappointed. I just recently joined the server and I was told on the discord server that you can play any class you enjoy on this server, especially if the class has a useful party buff, so you can join in the boss runs and fund yourself, guess not. I was so excited when I learned that unlike in royal or legends that I had to play something I hate before going for what I truly wanna play, I can actually play what I love and fund myself through Actually playing the game instead of hanging on a ladder AFKing. Well, what a massive letdown. But nothing against this guide tho, I think it's a great guide you are just stating the facts. Thanks for letting me know about this before I invest too much time on here.
It's not permanent, it's just relatively cheap to the point where you can just pop one every 10 min or so.I have a question. Why does the basket give you a permanent increase in speed? I tried to save money and buy 40,000 mesos at the market. But this is only maintained for 10 minutes.
[*]simplified why you should pick bishop first char
[*]revamped considerations
[*]added dishonorable mentions for jobs i dont like (lol)
[*]revamped/simplified ap allocation
[*]added @dropsfrom to QoL commands section
[*]simplified "binding qol commands to key"
[*]revamped coming from another server
[*]added how to get transparent weapon
[*]added High Mob density & respawn rate, Move faster on ropes Men can wear female clothing, vice-versa, Teleport to Free Market from almost anywhere
[*]updated pricing on apples to 4m in(get rich quick section)
[*]updated allison's price guide to: now free